Thursday, November 29, 2007

Study: Canadian Beer Drinkers Threaten Planet

Government-commissioned study says old, inefficient 'beer fridges' one in three Canadian households has contribute significantly to global warming by guzzling gas- and coal-fired electricity.

read more | digg story

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bumper Stickers

“Health Care Is A Right” - Says who? This one perfectly captures the entitlement mentality of liberals. I am owed whatever I want and someone else is going to pay for it.

“Defend America, Defeat Bush” - On the list of Threats to America, I would rank “Terrorists” in first place and “President Bush” in 436,957,647th place just below “Crabgrass.”

“Pro-Child, Pro-Choice” - I’m for the kids, but I’m also for aborting them willy-nilly too. This bumper sticker has the intellectual consistency of “Pro-Ants, Pro-Raid."

For more gems check out this link.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Evolution of Apple Products

*This photo was taken from